An association made-up of Heating, Air-Conditioning, and Plumbing contractors

The PPMCA also consists of associate members that include HVACR and Plumbing Suppliers, Equipment Rental Businesses, Product Representatives as well as the Pikes Peak Regional Building Department, Colorado Springs Utilities and Black Hills Energy Corporation. We greatly appreciate our Members and Associate Members and encourage all interested parties to complete our application for membership found on this website.


We have a great thing going here in El Paso County and other areas of the country are wishing they could duplicate it. The PPMCA has gained national attention for it’s commitment to CO Safety in a community by the addition of the Association as a sponsor of the Carbon Monoxide Safety Association, COSA.

Our members and associate members have “given back” to the elderly in the community by participating in the annual Warm Wheels Campaign for over twenty years running! Leaving out all the past accomplishments, which in themselves are worth far more than $175.00 a year. This list should more than prove it is the best money you can spend to help promote the industry locally. If you are thinking about becoming a member, please contact Brinkley Myers for more information or complete our Membership Application found on this site under “Contact”. You can help our trade be stronger by joining us! Consider it today. We can only make it better with more members. Thank you!